Arriving – Setting off The Congo River in Kindu, Maniema Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo – length 4374 km

ArrivingSetting off with a dugout canoe – Pirogue in Kindu, Province of Maniema – Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). A place of tranquility and peace.
With a length of 4374 km, the Congo is the second longest river on the African continent. It has the most water-rich rapids on the Earth, of which the Stanley and Livingstone falls are the most famous ones – and thus we are at the conquest of Africa. Do read who Mr. Stanley and Mr. Livingstone arem, e.g.: Stanley, Henry M., In Darkest Africa: Or the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat. First edition. London 1890, p. 519.

The European slave trade and colonialism still have far-reaching effects on the political, social and economic structures of the continent. Even today’s conflicts and wars, e.g. in the heart of Africa, have their causes in the colonial structural dependencies and asymmetries.

Imbuto has researched for you, and now it offers you the access to various web portals, especially in the field of social sciences, of internationally active research centers – Forschungszentren. The websites are mainly in English.
Konflikte | Kriege | Frieden – Conflicts | Wars | Peace leads particularly to the organizations in the Great Lakes region that are active in this area and often carry out research, websites mainly in English.

This opens doors to the knowledge of more than sixty organizations. We look forward to receiving your suggestions and feedback. So that we can continue this work, donations are very welcome.

Compilation: Muriel Imhof & Hildegard Schürings November 2021