Welcome – Willkommen – Bienvenue
Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome Murakaza neza Soo dhawow السلام عليكم Salem aleikum – peace be with thee!
Welcome to our web portal – 23 years Imbuto e.V.
The welcome of our association Imbuto e.V. is multilingual – diverse is our work. The participants in our projects are internationals – from 30 countries on three continents. The work focuses on the African continent and Europe.
The topics on which we have been working since 2001 are currently: shaping our common future, social coexistence, flight and migration, No to racism, Learning from the South, promoting peace.
We give a voice to those who have no voice, be it in German, French, English, Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, Somali, Spanish, Tigrinya, Arabic…
The processes and results of our actions are visible. You will find them in the well-documented projects (often in German and French, some also in English), in the evaluation of 2013, in regular feedbacks from many participants and on this portal.
All participants have contributed as well as gained important things: creativity, reflection, experience and knowledge, action and courage, self-confidence, knowledge of war and peace, friends, skills in management and organization.
“I owe my personal and professional path to Imbuto University” said a participant from Belgium.
The feedbacks from participants are the most beautiful AWARDS we receive regularly.
This portal reports on Imbuto projects carried out since 2000. Many doors to the knowledge of other institutions, such as research centres, have been opened for you here.
We invite you to get to know our concepts, actors, paths, experiences and learning processes and to exchange ideas: Encourage – learn from one another – move the world – and live well together!
Thanks to all participants, volunteers, speakers and numerous guests as well as to the funding institutions and the donations that have made things easier for us. Who are we? Look here.
Have a good journey on our portal – come back soon!

About the content of the web portal – How do I navigate the German sites?
Willkommen – Welcome This is our welcome page. Here you find a short overview of the contents of our web portal.
Wer sind wir? – Who are we? On this page we explain “What does Imbuto mean?”, list the names of both team and board members as well as our partners and sponsors.
You will also find a story by Christoph, who reports on his experience with Imbuto, followed by the commemoration of Ingo Prager.
Aktuelles – Latest news This page shows you what projects we are currently working on. Here you can also see our program for the 20th birthday of Imbuto e.V.
Für Sie gesehen… – Seen for you… This page provides you with up-to-date news from various sources that are relevant to the topics of our association. The information is presented in the form of films, podcasts, pictures, articles, and has been divided into two categories “from the South” and “from the North”.
You will find many of the projects Imbuto has carried out since 2000 on the following pages. Projects are: seminars, series of talks, long-term programs, lectures, publications, studies and exhibitions. These are arranged thematically and chronologically for you. All multi-day projects have been comprehensively documented, mostly in German and French, some also in English. The tables of contents for each page give a good overview.
- Zukunft gestalten – Shaping the future
- Sommerseminare – Summer Seminars Under this heading you can find reports on the seminars for children and adults, which we had been organizing each year from 2000 until 2013.
- Wege zum Frieden – Paths to Peace Here we present our international projects, which explicitly deal with “War and Genocide in Rwanda” as well as “Shoa in Europe”. We present the various meetings we held with our partners in Germany, France, Rwanda (Burundi). We also mention the international symposium “No future without the past” which was held in Marburg 2008 with an important contribution of the youth group.
- Stimmen aus dem Süden – Voices from the South This page reveals in particular why people emigrate or flee today, what their main destinations are and what consequences this phenomenon has for both the people and the countries of origin and destination. Relevant conferences were held in Marburg with referents from different countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, Somalia, Nigeria, and Cameroun. Here you can also find a beautiful poem by Adamu (a member of Imbuto) on his experience of migrating from Ethiopia to Germany.
- Lokal handeln – Acting locally – Projects in Germany
- Vom Süden lernen – Learning from the South As an example, this page includes interesting information about the Voluntary Conference of the Marburg-Biedenkopf county on “Development Cooperation”. You can also find a breath-taking story “Resilience” by Ganishya Runyinya (an Imbuto member) as well as the information on the inspiring works by the artists from Ubuntu Passion Art.
- Flucht und Migration – Flight and Migration The themes of this page include: the consequences of flight, migration experiences, migrants’ adjustment after the arrival (from Morocco, Eritrea, Somalia, Syria, Africa, DR Congo) in Germany.
- Gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben – Social coexistence This page includes a number of reports on intercultural meetings, the democracy conference and the “conversation between religions” held in 2003.
- Nachdenken: Genozid – Reflecting: Genocide This page deals with the war and genocide in Rwanda, as well as its consequences. We cover the following relevant topics: education for peace, reconciliation, living together, the role of churches (conference in the Haus am Dom, Frankfurt a. M. with speaker from Imbuto -> video). In addition, you can also find stories of survivors (a high number of conferences, the film “Among Neighbours” (ger.: “Unter Nachbarn”), expositions in Siegen, Frankfurt, Marburg).
- Web: Region Große Seen – Great Lakes Region
- Forschungszentren – Research Centers This page provides access to the web portals of internationally active research centers, each with a short description.
- Konflikte | Kriege | Frieden – Conflicts | Wars | Peace The page showcases in particular the organizations in the Great Lakes region that are active in these subject areas and often also conduct research.
- Publikationen/ Ausstellungen – Publications / exhibitions Here you will find a selection of publications as well as information on two exhibitions. The publications include scientific papers, books and studies by Imbuto e.V. as well as works in which Imbuto members were involved. We would also like bring your attention to the Symposium “No future without the past” which was held in 2008 in Marburg. Studies include: the evaluation of 2013, “Where do we come from? Where do we go?” (ger.: “Wo kommen wir her? Wo gehen wir hin?”) and a study about migration in Morocco.
Corona auf dem Nachbarkontinent Afrika – Corona on the neighbouring continent Africa
This page allows the transfer to our Corona-blog, which provides important information about the effects of the Coronavirus (or COVID) pandemic on the neighbouring continent of Africa, violence against women, reports on colonialism and much more. The information is sorted by the respective topics.
BLACK LIVES MATTER! This page allows the transfer to the blog of the same name. It provides a wide range of information on “Black Lives Matter!” topics. Here you can also find interesting articles and research data on solidarity calls and protests against the discrimination of Black people, PEOC, racism and colonialism.
Uns unterstützen | Spenden – Support us | Donate Here we ask for your participation and donations. There is also information on how to become a sponsoring member of Imbuto.
Schätze – Treasures On this page, you can find a number of informative books and materials that we have in several copies. We would be happy to give them away in return for a donation!
Kontakt – Contact Here you can find a form for contacting us and asking questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Schlagwortsuche – Keyword search At the bottom of this page (in the footer), you can find the keyword search. Here you can search the entire website for tags/given words.

Have fun paddling!
Many thanks for the contributions of Muriel Imhof, Farida Malikova, Sang-Min Park, Jona Schürings, Hildegard Schürings
The portal in german was funded by the Hessische Landesregierung Programm: „Gemeinsam aktiv – Bürgerengagement in Hessen“
as well as the blogs: www.imbuto-blog-corona.de and https://www.imbuto-blog-corona.de/black-lives-matter/ by Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Berlin. THANK YOU!