
Imbuto e.V.
Lahnstr. 7, D-35112 Fronhausen
Germany – République Fédérale d’Allemagne
Phone: +49 – 6426-930 9009

Web: https://www.imbuto.net Email: imbuto(at)imbuto.net
Imbuto was founded in 2001 and is a human rights organization that contributes to a culture of peace.
Our activities are carried out on a non-partisan and interdenominational level.

Board members of Imbuto

1st Chairperson: Sang-Min Park, Fronhausen

2nd Chairperson: Hildegard Schürings, Fronhausen

Treasurer: Susanne Steuber, Frankenberg

Managing director: Hildegard Schürings, Fronhausen

Register court: Amtsgericht Marburg
Register number: VR 2070
Tax registration number: 3125056911

Our non-profit status has been confirmed by the tax office Marburg-Biedenkopf October 10, 2022 for the years 2019 to 2022.

Responsible for the Content of the Webportal: Hildegard Schürings

Donation account

Imbuto e.V. Volksbank Mittelhessen
IBAN: DE 58 5139 0000 0036 6108 08 BIC: VBMHDE5F

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Disclaimer: The contents of external links are carefully checked by us. Nevertheless, we assume no liability for the content of external pages linked to or from our website. The content of these pages is the sole responsibility of their providers or operators.

Copyright Notice: The contents of the Internet pages of Imbuto e.V. are protected by copyright. This applies to the audiovisual elements and data (such as photos, graphics, logos, music files, etc.) as well as to all texts and other data. Unless otherwise stipulated in individual cases and unless third-party rights are affected, in the case of the distribution of content in whole or in part in electronic and printed form, it is necessary that the source (“Imbuto e.V.”) and the corresponding URL (https://www.imbuto.net/) are mentioned. Without the prior written consent of Imbuto e.V., the use and commercial distribution of the contents and photos is not permitted.

© Imbuto e.V. 2023 D-35112 FRONHAUSEN